Assistive Tech Series

from $35.00
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Choose What You Pay — $35, $60, or $85! The IDALA wants to make this learning opportunity accessible to all members of our community. Proceeds will directly benefit IDALA's grants and scholarships programs for teachers and schools, serving students with reading difficulties in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Kern Counties. Select a price to register for the full series (three live, virtual presentations in total).

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Choose What You Pay — $35, $60, or $85! The IDALA wants to make this learning opportunity accessible to all members of our community. Proceeds will directly benefit IDALA's grants and scholarships programs for teachers and schools, serving students with reading difficulties in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Kern Counties. Select a price to register for the full series (three live, virtual presentations in total).

Choose What You Pay — $35, $60, or $85! The IDALA wants to make this learning opportunity accessible to all members of our community. Proceeds will directly benefit IDALA's grants and scholarships programs for teachers and schools, serving students with reading difficulties in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Kern Counties. Select a price to register for the full series (three live, virtual presentations in total).

August 6: Overview of Assistive Technology and the Research

Participants will learn clear research that points out the best parts of technology to harness in order to facilitate positive student outcomes. This presentation will have three sections: an overview of Assistive Technology (AT), a review of the research, and implications for choosing the right tool for the right student

August 8: Assistive Technology & the Law

Participants will learn how to advocate for AT services for students. This presentation will cover national and state laws governing AT evaluation and best practices that guide the AT process, including evaluation, device procurement, delivery of service.

August 13: Leveraging Assistive Technology to Facilitate Work Completion

Participants will learn about specific tools (Text to Speech, Speech to Text, and Word Prediction), review research on its efficacy, and receive instruction and/or resources on how to activate these tools on multiple platforms.

Facilitator: Nanci K. Shepardson M.S.Ed., Ed.S. W.D.P. | Director of Accessibility and Assistive Technology Solutions, Wilson Language Training